The Bargain

  • Image of Mattin Brenson from The Bargain. White skinned human with short blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a leather collar and a light blue shirt with yellow accents. He stares off to the left with wide, hooded eyes,

    The Bargain (Series Finale)

    Season notes: violence, death, attempted murder, accusation of sexual assault Mattin didn’t know how long it was, but eventually, exhaustion wore out the worst of his emotions. Numbness spread through his body—shock or blood loss, he couldn’t be sure. With a final silent cry thrown towards his mistress, he allowed himself to stop. He had…

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  • Image of Mattin Brenson from The Bargain. White skinned human with short blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a leather collar and a light blue shirt with yellow accents. He stares off to the left with wide, hooded eyes,

    The Bargain (S5, E12)

    While Jahlene tries to find Marta, Mattin finds a way to send a warning.

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  • Image of Mattin Brenson from The Bargain. White skinned human with short blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a leather collar and a light blue shirt with yellow accents. He stares off to the left with wide, hooded eyes,

    The Bargain (S5, E11)

    When Mattin looks for some space to lick his wounds, Marta follows him…

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  • Jahlene from The Bargain, bust. A fae woman with dark brown skin, straight black hair braided into a crown, and green eyes. She is playing with a lock of hair that came free of the braid.

    The Bargain (S5, E10)

    Jahlene realizes how big a mistake she made. Brit and Cook come looking and find her collapsed.

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  • Image of Mattin Brenson from The Bargain. White skinned human with short blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a leather collar and a light blue shirt with yellow accents. He stares off to the left with wide, hooded eyes,

    The Bargain (S5, E9)

    Mattin has a plan to help Jahlene — but what if he’s too late?

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  • The Bargain (S5, E8)

    Things are coming to a head…

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  • Jahlene from The Bargain, bust. A fae woman with dark brown skin, straight black hair braided into a crown, and green eyes. She is playing with a lock of hair that came free of the braid.

    The Bargain (S5, E7)

    There’s no time for Mattin and Jahlene to relax when the problems keep piling on.

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  • The Bargain (S5, E6)

    Season notes: violence, death, attempted murder Jahlene tasted the hatred in the room the moment she entered. The thin thread reached out from the crowd, unusually strong against the general background of disgruntlement, worry, and trust. She tried to ignore it. The first half hour of the meeting was taken up by announcing any county-…

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  • The Bargain (S5, E5)

    Later, when Jahlene tried to pinpoint the start of the trouble, Mattin remembered the windows.

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  • The Bargain (S5, E4)

    “What would you offer me for his freedom?” “No!” Mattin burst out. Jahlene’s heart jumped, but she knew the truth. Knew the fear that ate at him even now, and how far he would go to protect his sister. “While you wear my collar, you are mine to dispose of as I will. If your…

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