How NOT to Save the World (S2, Season Finale)
Season Content notes: fictional bigotry, Joan waited in the darkness of the tunnel, and prayed as she hadn’t prayed in years. She’d stopped believing in God years ago and without God, she hadn’t seen the point in keeping the traditions and rituals. It hadn’t been until years later that she realized in walking away from…
How NOT to Save the World (S2, E5)
Season Content notes: fictional bigotry Ho’neheso frowned as she listened to the transmission. Her ‘games’ with Wu had taught her to break security from the inside. No one in her father’s organization was better. But from the outside, she was a lot weaker. So there were a lot of reasons her bug might have gone…
How NOT to Save the World (S2 E4)
Season Content notes: fictional bigotry T-minus 1 year 65 days Amal squatted down in the middle of the room and looked at his team. Joan held up the wall while she fiddled with her tablet. Amal didn’t ask what she was doing — he knew he wouldn’t understand anyway. On the chair next to her,…
How NOT to Save the World (S1 E8)
Season Content Notes (incomplete): violence, anti-nonhuman bigotry, consensual violence It was an unusual group that gathered on the roof of an old warehouse. Amal was a slim man in his thirties who looked like the stereotypical intellectual — right down to the old-fashioned glasses and wide skirts. What most wouldn’t notice was that the skirts…