Cheung Bo
How NOT to Save the World (S2, Season Finale)
Season Content notes: fictional bigotry, Joan waited in the darkness of the tunnel, and prayed as she hadn’t prayed in years. She’d stopped believing in God years ago and without God, she hadn’t seen the point in keeping the traditions and rituals. It hadn’t been until years later that she realized in walking away from…
How NOT to Save the World (S2, E3)
Season Content notes: fictional bigotry “Thank you for meeting with me after hours, Major,” Colonel Bo Cheung, commander of the Space Forces, said as Major Shin of M9 slid onto the bar stool next to them. A public bar might have seemed an odd place for two high-ranking military officers to meet. Especially these high-ranking…
How NOT to Save the World, S1 E11
Season Content Notes (incomplete): violence, anti-nonhuman bigotry, consensual violence T minus 1 year 235 days Ameohne’e welcomed Colonel Cheung and their subordinates into her office and waited until Wu left the room. Colonel Cheung’s eyebrows rose as they realized that Ameohne’e was meeting with them alone. Even with modern security, that was a significant sign…
How NOT to Save the World, S1 E10
Season Content Notes (incomplete): violence, anti-nonhuman bigotry, consensual violence T-Minus 1 year 240 days Though the public didn’t know it, the two dozen people gathered in the large dining room were most of the true leaders of the rebellion-turned-dictatorship. Two-thirds of them were magic users or mystics, three-quarters non-humans. They sat in a circle in…
How NOT to Save the World (S1, E9)
T-minus 1 year 245 days Ameohne’e and Wu looked over the city from the windows in her office. Or, rather, Wu did. Ameohne’e was staring at her friend and trying to pick her jaw up off the floor. “What did you say?” “Should I repeat it in Chinese?” “Wu…” Ma’evoto growled. Wu grinned but bowed…
How NOT to Save the World (S 1, E 4)
Season Content Notes (incomplete): violence, anti-nonhuman bigotry, consensual violence T minus 1 year 364 days Tracey watched as Kasmir Teufel hurried from—it wouldn’t quite do to say that he fled—the office. Filling Kasmir’s place in the government hierarchy would be difficult, but Tracey hadn’t even tried to convince him to stay. Let the scared ones…