
  • Image of Mattin Brenson from The Bargain. White skinned human with short blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a leather collar and a light blue shirt with yellow accents. He stares off to the left with wide, hooded eyes,

    The Bargain (S5, E12)

    While Jahlene tries to find Marta, Mattin finds a way to send a warning.

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  • Jahlene from The Bargain, bust. A fae woman with dark brown skin, straight black hair braided into a crown, and green eyes. She is playing with a lock of hair that came free of the braid.

    The Bargain (S5, E10)

    Jahlene realizes how big a mistake she made. Brit and Cook come looking and find her collapsed.

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  • Image of Mattin Brenson from The Bargain. White skinned human with short blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a leather collar and a light blue shirt with yellow accents. He stares off to the left with wide, hooded eyes,

    The Bargain (S5, E9)

    Mattin has a plan to help Jahlene — but what if he’s too late?

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  • The Bargain (S5, E2)

    Season notes: violence, death, attempted murder The next morning, Mattin made sure to get up early. It was a surprise to wake in his new room, which smelled faintly of fabrics and lavender. He moved quietly as he dressed and exited the mistress’ suite, careful not to disturb her. And went looking for Cook. Unsurprisingly,…

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  • The Bargain (S3, E5)

    Season Content notes: con noncon*, pain play, sexual contact, trauma reactions, people handling emotions badly, rape (not explicit), torture (not explicit), pony play, mind fuck (minor) When he got to the kitchen Mattin found Cook had anticipated him. In the middle of all his fancy work to impress Falthro’s gourmet palate, Cook had found time…

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  • The Bargain (S3, E1)

    And we are back! This isn’t going to be quite as wild a ride as last season, but it’s not going to be a walk in the park either. (If you need a refresher, check out Season 1 and Season 2.) Season Content notes: con noncon*, pain play, sexual contact, trauma reactions, people handling emotions…

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  • The Bargain (S2, E6)

    Season Content notes: con noncon*, pain play, sexual contact, trauma reactions, verbal assault, mind control, reference to suicide attempt, coming to terms with kink (badly), avoidance as coping strategy, unintentional emotional harm, NOT a HFN ending, mind fuck Mattin slept poorly that night. His dreams included the lady’s wistful voice, Brit’s hand on his shoulder,…

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  • The Bargain (S2, E1)

    (I made a mistake, so early post y’all. Enjoy!) Welcome back! We left Mattin a bit shaken but ready for forge on. Let’s see what trouble he and Jahlene can make for themselves this season. *Glances as content notes* Yeah. This season is a humdinger. If you missed it (or just need a refresher), you…

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  • The Bargain (S1, E11)

    Season content notes: fictional slavery, con noncon*, pain play, pain play implied, sex, reference to/discussion of child abuse, violence Brit forced a bit more food into Mattin, then sent him off to sleep. He cleaned up the tray and blamed the way his own eyes watered on the westering sun. Work. Work would distract him.…

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  • The Bargain (S1, E10)

    Season content notes: fictional slavery, con noncon*, pain play, pain play implied, sex, reference to/discussion of child abuse Mattin was never sure how he got through his second day of training. Exhaustion weighed him down, and his body was sore from standing. Again, he spent the entire day behind Brit’s shoulder, trying not to move.…

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