What You Will: A Queer-er Shakespeare (Series Finale)
I am so sorry, folks. Life went to hell in January and I completely forgot that I never scheduled this for y’all to enjoy. Anyway. Here it is finally. The finale. Season Content Notes: Revenge plot, violence, boundary violations, sexual harassment, ableist language, blood, misgendering, self-misgendering When Duke Orsino finally released Cesario, there was an…
What You Will: A Queer-er Shakespeare (S2, E5)
Season Content Notes: Revenge plot, violence, boundary violations, sexual harassment In her manor, Olivia paced from room to room. She changed mood from giddy to distraught so quickly that she may well have traded temperament with Orsino. Sometimes she muttered to herself, “I have sent after him: he says he’ll come.” Other times called to…
What You Will: A Queer-er Shakespeare (S2, E1)
Season Content Notes: Revenge plot, violence In a corner of Countess Olivia’s grounds gathered three gentlemen for some unsanctioned sport. Or so it seemed, for they huddled together behind the box trees, like boys hiding from a tutor. That was Sir Toby Belch, the countess’ uncle; Sir Andrew, one of her suitors (who she would…
What You Will (S1 E11)
Season notes: violence, sexism After Malvolio left, Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, the fool, and Maria stared after him a moment. Then, “Go shake your ears,” Maria growled after him. The others laughed, and Sir Toby and Sir Andrew began trading comments about the steward. In a few moments, Sir Andrew was ready to go issue…
What You Will (S1 E10)
Content notes: violence, sexism, internalized transphobia It was late — so late it was early, or so Sir Toby claimed — when he and Sir Andrew came staggering back into the manor. Sir Toby closed the door with exaggerated care, an effort immediately wasted as Sir Andrew walked right into the coat rack and knocked…
What You Will (A Queer-er Shakespeare): S1 E9
Season notes: violence, sexism, internalized transphobia Olivia paced the sitting room, replaying the odd audience that had just ended. “‘What is your parentage?’ ‘Above my fortunes, yet my state is well: I am a gentleman.’ I’ll be sworn thou art.” She shook her head, unable to banish the image of the impudent man from her…
What You Will (S1 E6): A Queer-er Shakespeare
Season notes: violence, sexism As the fool left, Malvolio re-entered wearing a deep scowl. “Madam, yon young fellow swears he will speak with you. I told him you were sick; he takes on him to understand so much, and therefore comes to speak with you. I told him you were asleep; he seems to have…
What You Will: A Queer-er Shakespeare, (S1, E5)
Season notes: violence, sexism The fool, wrapped in a sheet styled as a nun’s habit, clasped his hands and bowed low as Olivia entered with her steward, Malvolio. “God bless thee, lady!” he called in a high-pitched twangy voice. Olivia rolled her eyes and waved dismissal. “Take the fool away.” Jumping up, the fool rounded…