The Last Lady of Lună, Season 2 Cover

A woman sits with her back to the viewer facing a full moon that fills the screen. She is wearing a white dress and holds a rede flower behind her back. A transparent overlay of cracked, dirt covers the moon and sky.

I was a child when enemies destroyed our clan. My mother escaped and raised me in secret. Without my fathers’ blood, she aged and died. Now I am the last head of the Lună vampire clan. My enemies think I am dead, my clan is scattered to the winds, and I am starting to come into my powers. I will claim my birthright, rebuild my clan, and destroy our enemies. I’m just going to need a bit of help.

Luckily, I knew where to find it. A hot team of human mercenaries specializing in security have sworn themselves to me. We’re finally learning to understand each other, and good thing we are — because I have unknown allies in my home and enemies at my door. Now we need to survive, learn to work together, and rain hell on our enemies.

And if Lună is still watching out for me, maybe I’ll finally get laid.

Season 2 of The Last Lady of Lună starts now.

Last Lady of Lună is a why choose paranormal romance that will run at least three seasons.


I knelt by my mother’s grave and ran my fingers over the tips of the grass. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back.”

I turned and smiled at Marcus, standing a respectful distance back. “You’d like them, Mama. We’re still figuring things out, but I think they’ll be good for me. And they are very good in a fight.”

The wind sighed through the grass, and I imagined it was my mother chiding me for being flippant. “We all knew that I would need to fight. But I think… for the first time, I think I might really have a chance.

“I don’t know how to lead. I’m not ready to be Lună’s Lady.” Luna’s laughing caress was definitely chiding me. “But we’ve found the clan — or well, they found me. And we survived the first attack. And I think I could really be happy with them if we make it through this.”

The graveyard was quiet at night. There was probably a watchman somewhere, but if so I had never seen him. And my sotii knew patience and silence — it was part of why I’d chosen them. Though I still wasn’t entirely sure why they had chosen me…

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