
  • Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

    A Smear of Blood (S2, E8)

    The Called, new and old, come together to discuss the threat and make plans to combat it.

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  • Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

    A Smear of Blood (S2, E7)

    Hannu spent the day reconnecting with the Green and thinking on her recent experiences. When she finished, she took to her quarters to consider what the Called of the Balance had said concerning Iberto’s hunts….

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  • Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

    A Smear of Blood (S2, E6)

    Hannu returns home and meets the Called of the Scaled One Who Keeps Balance. They talk about Hannu’s journey and Iberto’s hunts.

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  • Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

    A Smear of Blood (S2, E3)

    Amir begins his training under the Great Goddess and Iberto. The balance-called seeks out Kira to learn about the debt Iberto owes her.

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  • Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

    A Smear of Blood (S2, E1)

    Iberto, Called of the Great Goddess, returns from his hunt with three people who are strangers to the temple.

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  • Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

    A Smear of Blood (S1 Finale)

    On the way home, Iberto took the time to think on what he was doing. Gathering Called, yes. But it wouldn’t matter how many Called he gathered. The goddes had all had Called, had been fully in their power when the monks took them down. Bringing in new Called would strengthen the goddes, yes. And…

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  • A Smear of Blood (S1, E10)

    Iberto has faced down the goddes and won. He may continue to hunt down new Called — and it is time to go hunting.

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